The coming of the Nevern Light
A piece for solo organ, commissioned by Nevern Church for the Nevern Organ Festival
A piece for solo organ, commissioned by Nevern Church for the Nevern Organ Festival
An ode to the Peloponnese scored for ten musicians
Tramontana - The Hellens Quartet
Based on Alba Arikha's memoir, 'Major/Minor'
Completed opera premièred at the Playground Theatre in October 2020
Directed by Orpha Phelan
For my mother at Christmas. Sung by Arianna and me (x2)
Words: Edmund Bolton
For my stepdaughter on her 15th birthday
Sung by Arianna (the birthday girl)
Words: William Butler Yeats
SATB, clarinet, viola, cello and piano
Words: William Blake ('London')
Published by Universal Edition
Song Cycle for soprano, tenor, baritone, cello & piano (12 songs)
Words from the book by Max Arthur
For my wife on her birthday. Sung by Arianna and me
Words: E.E. Cummings
For cello and piano
Published by Universal Edition
For flute, horn and bassoon
SSA and piano
Words: Dylan Thomas
For violin and piano
Published by Universal Edition
Based on the novel by Rupert Thomson
Work in progress
Chamber Opera
For clarinet, violin and double bass
Published by Universal Edition
A setting of Samuel Beckett's last poem scored for soprano, mezzo, cello and narrator
Published by Universal Edition
A setting of W.S. Merwin's poem, scored for two sopranos, two contraltos, harp and glass harp
For viola and cello
Published by Universal Edition
SATB unaccompanied
Words: Samuel Daniel
Published by Universal Edition
SSAATTBB unaccompanied
Words: Christina Rossetti
Published by Universal Edition
For oboe, clarinet and bass clarinet
Published by Universal Edition
SSATB unaccompanied
Words: Kevin Crossley-Holland
Symphonic work in seven movements, inspired by seven sculptures
'For Alba'
Published by Universal Edition
For large ensemble and narrator
Words: Emma House
Narrator: Michael Gambon
SATB unaccompanied
Words: Jenny Overton
For large ensemble and narrator
Words: Emma House
Narrator: Tom Smail
For my mother
Words: Walter de la Mare
SATB, violin, viola, cello
Words: William Shakespeare
Library Music for orchestra
Library Music for string quartet
Audio Network
Library Music for string quartet
Audio Network
For large ensemble and narrator
Words: Emma House
Narrator: Harry Enfield
Library Music for string quartet
Audio Network
SATB unaccompanied
Words: W.H. Auden
For large ensemble and narrator
Words: Emma House
Narrator: Harry Enfield
For large ensemble and narrator
Words: Emma House
Narrator: Simon James